Sean Hackbarth
618 Church Street
P.O. Box 327
Allenton, WI 53002-0327

To obtain a position that takes advantage of my knowledge and analytical skills to solve problems.


Barnes & Noble Booksellers

Lead Bookseller

  1. Assisted customers in person and by phone in locating and/or ordering books and related merchandise.
  2. Organized and maintained a section of the bookstore. Duties included inventory management, merchandising, and being aware of industry trends.
  3. Solved customer service issues such as item exchanges, shipping, order problems.
  4. Handled cash.

Minnesota Family Council

Field Representative

  1. Lobbied state legislators on conservative issues.
  2. Encouraged politically active citizens to contact legislators.
  3. Wrote news articles for Pro-Family News.


University of Minnesota Duluth

  1. Studied economics and mathematics.
  2. Member of Student Service Fee Committee and student government.
  3. Vice-Chairman of College Republicans.


I am an active writer and observer of current events. I have published The American Mind weblog ( since 1999 and have received mention by Milwaukee talk radio hosts.

5 Responses to “Resume”

  1. […] My job search has just begun so I am still trying to grasp what would fit my work experience and desires. Any help is welcome. I would love leads or advice to help me find a job that effective, productive, and satisfying. Moving is certainly an option. I love Southeast Wisconsin, but I am young and am willing to go where needed. I will be using a this weblog to track my progress, letting you follow along with my progress. If you want a copy of my resume you can find it here or e-mail me at sean–dot–theamericanmind–dot–com. […]

  2. Pete Says:

    Join a Gym for 1 year(get in unbelievable shape)
    Take the U.S. Army Special Forces prequalification exam.
    Contract for SF Qualification Training
    Join the Army
    Go to Basic, AIT, then, Jump School
    pass the SF selection course(hell week)
    Get Special Forces qualified(even if you recycle)
    See the world,
    meet interesting people,
    and kill them,
    Then start your resume(if you want)

  3. Sean Says:

    Pete, interesting idea. Too bad I have a semi-pacifist streak. I’m not against the just use of violence I am just no personally capable of doing it.

  4. Kathleen Hackbarth Cruz Says:

    I was just wondering if we might be related. I am 72 yrs. old and live in Central America. My father was Chester Hackbarth born in Minn. Would love to hear from you.

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